SAEs Take Two, Visiting Krista and the Cows!

My second SAE visit was to visit Miss. Krista Cohick. Krista works on her family dairy farm, Triple K Dairy, and keeps records on this as her Unpaid Placement. Krista also shows Holstein Dairy cows at the Shippensburg Fair, and sometimes the All American Dairy Show, which she has a second SAE for. 

Krista is currently in her second year in the Shippensburg FFA. She is serving as the chapter's chaplain this year, which she is very passionate about. Krista spent time at Career Tech for Early Childhood Education for the first half of this school year. Her goal is to become a social worker in the future. Currently, Krista is one of my asynchronous students in Ag Leadership. 

Krista works to milk the cows on her family farm. They milk the cows on a regular schedule at 5am and 5pm. Our visit occurred on her family farm in Newburg, Pennsylvania. Prior to the visit Mrs. Bier and I talked about the need for biosecurity, and how I should not wear my barn clothes to the SAE visit seeing as I could spread diseases from barn to barn. Mrs. Bier and I walked around the farm with Krista in style,  with my disposable boot coverings coming up almost to my knee. Krista gave me a tour of the farm, showing me where she milks the cows, the milk house, and their office. 

Visiting Krista's family farm was so great! Being back in the barn was such a great time! I would evaluate her SAE as a very proficient one. Krista works very hard to help her family succeed in the dairy industry. The only recommendation given to Krista during the visit was to continue working to keep up with keeping her records current. 

Just like the first SAE visit, students here at Shippensburg use AET to keep their records up to date. Krista receives a grade for her record book in the Ag Leadership class that she is currently taking with me! Overall, this SAE visit was an amazing experience! 

Here's to Part of the Whole Tree, 

Ms. Holtry


  1. Liz,

    Thanks for sharing! It is great to see the effort that your student puts into the SAE and it is good to see that you ate working closely with the students to evaluate and help them improve.
    -Dr. Ewing


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