National FFA Week 2022
This week, February 19-26, is National FFA Week. For someone who didn't spend a lot of time in the Ag classroom in high school, this might be a foreign concept. At Chambersburg, while I was a member of the FFA, this was a week filled with fun events, dressing up, and working together to show others how fun it was to spend time in the Ag program. This year, as we are encouraged to continue participating in National FFA Week, I would like to commemorate the week in one post.
SAE Sunday
While in high school, I had many SAE projects. PA FFA's challenge today was to share your SAE project. My first project was trimming Christmas trees at Elliot's Tree Farm where I learned a lot about nursery and greenhouse work, as well as the hands on requirements of trimming, planting, and digging ornamentals. My freshman year of high school I raised a steer, named Bullet (pictured below). He was a holstein, and little did I know that feeding him at Beidel Brothers would only be my first of many great days spent there. Raising Bullet was a great opportunity to learn how to raise a steer on my own. You guessed it! My next SAE project was milking cows and other farm work at Beidel Brothers Dairy, which later became Rustik Dairy my third year of milking. Finally, as I spent time working with my team for the department 35 tractor restoration for the Pennsylvania Farm Show, I also kept record-books for that.
Service - Advocacy Monday
PA FFA's challenge on Monday was to share a community service project. Currently, I am the service chair for Penn State's LEAD Society. The Literacy, Education, and Agricultural Development Society is a student club on campus at University Park that is devoted to agricultural literacy and advocacy. Last semester, before I was chair I helped the club with organizing filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child. This semester, as chair, I have organized a coat drive with the used outerwear going to a church in need in Chambersburg, PA. During my time in the Chambersburg FFA some of my favorite service projects were helping at the Franklin County Fair and gleaning for apples for food pantries.
Alumni Day Tuesday
On Tuesday, PA FFA's challenge was to thank an alumni who has fueled your FFA journey. The Chambersburg Alumni chapter has been so supportive of my time in the FFA. Members like Jeremy Laman and Fred Byers and even new alumni members that I spent time in FFA with like Parker Barnes and Alaina Crist have all helped to shape who I hope to be as an Agricultural Educator. Thank you to everyone!
Advisor Appreciation Wednesday
On Wednesday, the challenge was to show your agriculture teachers and thank them. Celebrating this day of FFA Week was anything but hard. I was so blessed with the best Ag teachers! It is hard to believe that soon I can officially join the #teachag crowd 💙🤍 🐾 . I hope you enjoy some of the pictures I included of our fun and silly times. I only wish that I could have gotten it all on camera!
Give FFA Thursday
Thursday was the day PA FFA challenged the state to thank a partner or supporter of your local FFA Chapter. The first supporter that came to my mind was Lancaster Farming. During my time as an FFA member I was able to help with the restoration of 4 antique tractors. Each year, Lancaster Farming was a big supporter of the competition and helped to supply the winnings for the chapter. I am very thankful for each and every opportunity that working with Department 35 has given me, especially serving as a presentation judge at the 2022 Pennsylvania Farm Show.
Wear Blue Friday
Finally, on Friday we were challenged by PA FFA to wear blue. I spent my Friday reminiscing on my time spent in the blue jacket and wearing blue for one of my many cooperating center visits. It was a great way to wrap up this week celebrating FFA. Even LEAD society was able to celebrate FFA week and shared pictures of some of our blue jacket memories.
Here's to part of the Whole Tree,
Elizabeth Holtry
Elizabeth Holtry
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