SAEs Take Two, Visiting Krista and the Cows!
My second SAE visit was to visit Miss. Krista Cohick. Krista works on her family dairy farm, Triple K Dairy, and keeps records on this as her Unpaid Placement. Krista also shows Holstein Dairy cows at the Shippensburg Fair, and sometimes the All American Dairy Show, which she has a second SAE for. Krista is currently in her second year in the Shippensburg FFA. She is serving as the chapter's chaplain this year, which she is very passionate about. Krista spent time at Career Tech for Early Childhood Education for the first half of this school year. Her goal is to become a social worker in the future. Currently, Krista is one of my asynchronous students in Ag Leadership. Krista works to milk the cows on her family farm. They milk the cows on a regular schedule at 5am and 5pm. Our visit occurred on her family farm in Newburg, Pennsylvania. Prior to the visit Mrs. Bier and I talked about the need for biosecurity, and how I should not wear my barn clothes to the SAE visit seeing...