
Showing posts from March, 2022

Student Teaching Site Visits

 As I prepared for my field placement interview on March 21st, I was able to travel and visit high schools in search of the perfect Cooperating Center. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to see all four high schools in person, and was happily welcomed by each program.  I was able to learn a lot more about the specifics I wanted in a Cooperating Center after actually seeing the facilities and talking to the teachers in person. I was happy that each teacher seemed more than willing to have me in their program next spring. If you are interested in the specifics of my what I was searching for, please visit my previous blog post by clicking  here Here are a few highlights of the facilities I got to see on my search! First Stop... Littlestown on February 11th!  Mr. Brant's Classroom Mr. Brant's Ag Mechanics Shop Mr. Brant's Greenhouse Littlestown was a big competition for my FFA Chapter at the State level in High School, especially in the Tractor Restoration Competit...

What I Want in A Cooperating Center

If you can’t tell by my first blog post, I am a huge planner. I enjoy carrying my agenda and calendar everywhere I go. When we got a calendar on the first night of AEE 295 I was beyond excited that I could start to plan out my time spent with the #psuaged23 cohort!    Our cohort has a lot of fun adventures ahead, yet I think the one we are all looking forward to most is that special time next January when we will depart from Happy Valley to our very own cooperating centers. Each of us will choose an agriculture program to spend 15 weeks student teaching. I cannot wait for this exciting experience where I get to really step into the role of the teacher in the classroom for the first official time.    The assignment I am currently completing is determining what I am looking for in a cooperating center. I’ve had the chance to reach out to quite a few schools here in Pennsylvania, and before I decide which three schools will be on my list, I have compiled a list of must ...