National FFA Week 2022
This week, February 19-26, is National FFA Week. For someone who didn't spend a lot of time in the Ag classroom in high school, this might be a foreign concept. At Chambersburg, while I was a member of the FFA, this was a week filled with fun events, dressing up, and working together to show others how fun it was to spend time in the Ag program. This year, as we are encouraged to continue participating in National FFA Week, I would like to commemorate the week in one post. SAE Sunday While in high school, I had many SAE projects. PA FFA's challenge today was to share your SAE project. My first project was trimming Christmas trees at Elliot's Tree Farm where I learned a lot about nursery and greenhouse work, as well as the hands on requirements of trimming, planting, and digging ornamentals. My freshman year of high school I raised a steer, named Bullet (pictured below). He was a holstein, and little did I know that feeding him at Beidel Brothers would only be my first of ...